Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar recently visited China, marking the first trip by a Malaysian king to China ...
(ECNS) -- Leaders from China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) announced that the Version 3.0 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations have achieved a substantial conclusion ...
In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted innovation and reform in public cultural services. Over 35,000 new public cultural spaces have been set up nationwide, including libraries ...
On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), he shared his study and work experiences in China during an interview with China News Network, recounting his unique ...
The Malaysian ringgit, which is one of the best-performing Asian currencies this year, hit a three-year high following the Chinese central bank's announcement. Stock prices of Chinese companies listed ...
A pilot project of returning A'Bao into the wild started in July 2022 after years of behavior and re-wilding training at Xishuangbanna Asian Elephant Rescuing and Breeding Center in Xishuangbanna Dai ...
马来西亚中华总商会副总会长 吕海庭:中国—东盟自贸区3.0版及西部陆海新通道,将会进一步深化中国与马来西亚的经济合作,除了现有的合作领域,我觉得我们可以在生物科技、人工智能、新能源技术教育方面取得更加多的合作。
新华社北京10月12日电 俄罗斯总统普京与伊朗总统佩泽希齐扬11日在土库曼斯坦首都阿什哈巴德出席一场国际会议期间举行会谈,一致同意强化双边合作。同日,美国宣布对伊朗能源行业追加制裁,并将与英方磋商进一步对俄制裁。
中国日报网10月12日电 新加坡前外交部长杨荣文(George Yeo)近日接受CGTN连线采访时,对中国和西方外交方式的“根本区别”进行了精彩的描述。
人民网克拉玛依10月12日电 (记者曾书柔)“克拉玛依”在维吾尔语里意为“黑油”。近年来,这座世界上唯一一个以石油命名的城市,在绿色转型和高质量发展之路上积极探索,持续培育绿色算力为主的新质生产力。
黄(渤)海候鸟栖息地遗产地范围扩大,彰显滨海湿地保护“盐城模式”得到世界的肯定和推广。作为我国第一处滨海湿地类型世界遗产所在地,盐城大力推进以湿地保护为主的生态文明建设,不断提高海岸带生态系统质量,恢复珍稀濒危候鸟栖息地,高水平举办2023全球滨海论 ...