Midea also unveiled the VETLE, a high performance heating unit capable of operating efficiently, even at temperatures as low as -40°C. This product targets the high-end market segment in Northern ...
Vietnam has implemented and strengthened measures to enhance the quality and safety of its agricultural products, reinforcing the nation’s reputation in key markets and building consumer trust. HA NOI ...
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The highly anticipated SME100 Awards 2024 Vietnam ceremony commemorating the brand's 15th anniversary. This year, 20 exceptional SMEs took ...
According to a press release, Taipower said wind power output exceeded 2 GW on Monday (Oct. 7) and maintained this level ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Immigration officials in the Malaysian state of Penang detained four Taiwanese and two Singaporeans ...
中國深圳2024年10月12日 /美通社/ -- 全球科技品牌榮耀今天宣布,在其旗艦產品——輕薄的向內摺疊智能手機HONOR Magic V3以及HONOR 200系列手機上,推出谷歌 (Google) Circle to Search功能 [1] ,帶來卓越性能和無與倫比的影棚級人像攝影體驗。此次新改進確保每個人都能享受到最新的人工智能 (AI)技術成果,為全球智能手機用戶帶來無縫直觀的搜索體驗 ...
大貓熊紀錄片「再見,福寶」紀錄著韓國愛寶樂園「寶家族」的故事,上映至今一周票房已突破1300萬,成韓國以外票房最好的國家,飼育員姜爺爺(姜哲遠)也在昨(11)日到台灣與粉絲見面。 姜爺爺特別出席場次原安排4場,但因粉絲反應熱烈,一開賣即造成系統大當機,主辦方車庫娛樂也緊急安排加開場次,最後共加開5場,總共9場約5000席,仍是場場爆滿,即使有許多粉絲已經看過電影了,仍為了見姜爺爺一面而再次搶票。
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Campaigners were out in force on the streets of Keelung for the last day of canvassing ahead of Sunday ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Invest Taiwan approved four investment plans on Friday (Oct. 11) including Hornling Industrial, ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – As former President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) starts her first overseas tour since leaving office, it has ...
李遠表示,他曾短暫在瘂弦擔任聯合報副刊主編時代工作,也曾經是聯合報副刊的簽約5年的作家之一,瘂弦先生以他豐厚的文化底蘊,把報紙副刊對文化的影響力達到最高峰,和當時的高信疆先生為當時台灣文化界的兩大支柱,本土連結國際,打開台灣人的文化視野,「那時真是令 ...